Prima paginăAnunțurinoiembrie 2014 › Comunicatul de Presă al Consiliului Arhitecților din Europa (ACE) privind inițiativa Comisiei Europene de îmbunătățire a evaluării performanței de mediu a clădirilor
5 noiembrie 2014

Comunicatul de Presă al Consiliului Arhitecților din Europa (ACE) privind inițiativa Comisiei Europene de îmbunătățire a evaluării performanței de mediu a clădirilor

Stimate colege,
Stimați colegi,

Transmitem, spre informare, Comunicatul de Presă al Consiliului Arhitecților din Europa (ACE) privind inițiativa Comisiei Europene de îmbunătățire a evaluării performanței de mediu a clădirilor.

Cu stimă,

5 noiembrie 2014

arh. Cornelia Burcuș
Secretar Executiv

Filiala Teritorială București a Ordinului Arhitecților din România
str. Academiei nr. 18 - 20, sector 1
010014, București, România
tel/fax: 021-3039226, 021-3077163

Doamna/Domnule Arhitect,

Va transmitem mai jos, spre informare, Comunicatul de presa al Consiliului Arhitectilor din Europa (ACE) privind initiativa Comisiei Europene de imbunatatire a evaluarii performantei de mediu a cladirilor (in l. engleza si l. franceza), iar in anexa traducerea acestuia in l. romana, precum si *Comunicarea Comisiei Europene privind Oportunitățile de Utilizare Eficientă a Resurselor în Sectorul Clădirilor *din data de 1 iulie 2014*.*

Cu deosebita consideratie,

Mariana Ionescu

Consilier Relatii Internationale

Ordinul Arhitecților din România
str. Arthur Verona, Pictor nr.19
010312, București, România
tel/fax: 021 317 26 34, 0728 872 150 //

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ACE <>
Date: 2014-10-24 13:50 GMT+03:00
Subject: ACE Press Release - Resource Efficiency Opportunities in the
Construction Sector

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Press Release 24 October 2014

Low energy housing Razgledi PEROVO, Kamnik Slovenia Dekleva Gregorič

*The Architects’ Council of Europe welcomes the Commission’s initiative for a better assessment of the environmental performance of buildings*

*On 1 July 2014, the European Commission published its long-awaited
*Communication on Resource Efficiency Opportunities in the Building Sector
in which it recognises a lack of reliable, comparable and affordable
data, methods and tools to analyse and benchmark the environmental
performance of buildings. The ACE fully shares the Commission's
conclusions and welcomes its initiative to set up a framework of core
indicators for the assessment of the environmental performance of
buildings.*The Commission’s initiative responds to ACE calls which
highlighted, in its response to the Consultation on Sustainable Buildings, that the lack of data, the complexity and great variety of calculation methods make assessments of the environmental footprint of buildings prohibitively expensive and individual products and buildings difficult to benchmark. ACE advocated transparent calculation protocols and metrics to enable built environment professionals to report on the environmental footprint of buildings cheaply and routinely. This is essential to facilitate a better consideration of lifespan as well as the lifecycle impact of buildings and components in design solutions. ACE also emphasised the need for a better understanding of the natural resource requirements of the construction, occupancy and dismantling of buildings, as well as the effect of these on human activities taking place within them.

ACE believes that a set of clearly defined and measurable indicators will allow professionals to compare building performance predicted in the design phase with the operational performance actually achieved, and to monitor the real consumption of resources (materials, water, energy, land, etc.).
However, ACE contends that the benefits of such a framework of indicators may be increased if the data collected are disclosed and freely available in the public domain. A database containing real building performance data would ensure that investments in energy retrofitting are based on evidence of their effectiveness, would spur competition in the construction sector and would contribute to inform and underpin future legislation affecting the built environment.

ACE calls on the European Commission not to overlook economic and social
considerations and encourages the Commission to consider incentives and
promotional measures to ensure the uptake of the framework. ACE considers that it will be essential to build on existing technical standards and certification schemes, but also on good practice examples, such as the FP7 Open House project, the CarbonBuzz initiative and the Energy Efficiency Performance of Properties Analysis (EEPPA).

ACE welcomes the Commission’s willingness to consult stakeholders and looks forward to participating in the consultation process in order to contribute to the elaboration of a consistent and effective framework of core indicators.

*The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) is the representative organisation for the architectural profession at European level: it aspires to speak with a single voice on its behalf in order to achieve its aims. Its membership currently consists of 43 Member Organisations, which are the regulatory and professional representative bodies in all European Union (EU) Member States, Accession Countries, Switzerland and Norway. Through them, the ACE represents the interests of over 545.000 architects from 31 countries in Europe.*

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