Prima paginăAnunțuriseptembrie 2020 › Vă invităm să cunoașteți membrii juriilor Anualei de Arhitectură București 2020 - arh. Iulia Stanciu
14 septembrie 2020 • Evenimente

Vă invităm să cunoașteți membrii juriilor Anualei de Arhitectură București 2020 - arh. Iulia Stanciu

Iulia Stanciu este arhitect din 1987, a înființat și este asociat la biroul de arhitectură STARH din 1996, este doctor în arhitectură și profesor la Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism Ion Mincu din București.

Lucrările biroului au fost premiate la bienalele și anualele de arhitectură 1996, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2013, 2014, 2018, au fost nominalizate de 4 ori la premiul Mies Van de Rohe, în acest an ajungând pe lista scurtă cu lucrarea de restaurare a Sediului Filialei OAR București (premiul 1 concurs). Proiectele au fost publicate în numeroase reviste de specialitate, fiind dintre puținele birouri românești prezente în The Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture.

A făcut și face parte din consiliile de conducere ale Ordinului Arhitecților (vicepreședinte mandatul 2016-2018), din comisia Zonală a monumentelor istorice București, Giurgiu Ilfov (2016-2018). Este președintele Comisiei Naționale de Acordare a Dreptului de Semnătură a Ordinului Arhitecților din România.

Iulia Stanciu has been an architect since 1987, founded and is associated with the STARH architecture office since 1996, is a doctor in architecture and professor at the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest.

The works of the office were awarded at the biennials and Annuals of Architecture 1996, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2013, 2014, 2018, were nominated 4 times for the Mies Van de Rohe award, this year reaching the short list with the work of restoration of the Headquarters of the OAR Bucharest Branch (1st prize competition). The projects have been published in numerous specialized magazines, being one of the few Romanian offices present in The Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century World Architecture.

She was part of the governing boards of the Order of Architects (vice-president for the 2016-2018 term), of the Zonal Commission of Historical Monuments of Bucharest, Giurgiu Ilfov (2016-2018). She is the president of the National Commission for Granting the Right to Sign the Order of Architects in Romania.

Graduate of the “Ion Mincu” Institute of Architecture - Bucharest, professor of architecture (year 2000) at the “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism - Bucharest. Since its establishment to the present, member of the national commissions for granting the signature right for architects, organized by the O.A.R.

From 2018 to the present - member of the national commission S.T.A.I. (Technical Section of Architecture and Engineering) organized by the Romanian Ministry of Culture.

Member of the Union of Architects and the Register of Architects in Romania. Collective head of architecture at SC "Carpați Proiect" SA (where he has been working since 1980), assistant professor at the "Ion Mincu" Institute of Architecture, Bucharest (since 1992).

Representative works (selection): Modernization in Neptun and Costinești Resort, Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Headquarters, Romanian Bank for Development, Cluj, Agricultural Bank, Cluj and Giurgiu, Romanian Development Bank, Zimnicea, Găesti, Predeal, American International School , Bucharest.

Winner of the award for architecture management in The Netherlands, Special Award of the Bucharest Biennale of Architecture, 6th edition.

Participant in a number of national and international professional contests, winner of several architectural competitions.

Author of art and architecture exhibitions; interviews, essays and studies in the field of architecture.