Prima paginăAnunțuriianuarie 2016 › Comunicat de Presă ACE - Consiliul Arhitecților din Europa marchează termenul limită pentru transpunerea Directivei Europene privind recunoașterea calificărilor profesionale în legislația statelor membre UE
22 ianuarie 2016

Comunicat de Presă ACE - Consiliul Arhitecților din Europa marchează termenul limită pentru transpunerea Directivei Europene privind recunoașterea calificărilor profesionale în legislația statelor membre UE

Stimați colegi,

Transmitem Comunicatul de Presă al Consiliului Arhitecților din Europa (ACE) privind data limită de 18 ianuarie 2016 până la care statele membre UE ar fi trebuit să transpună în legislația proprie procedurile Directivei 2005/36/CE privind recunoașterea calificărilor profesionale.

Cu stimă,

22 ianuarie 2016

arh. Cornelia Burcuș
Secretar Executiv

Filiala Teritorială București a Ordinului Arhitecților din România
str. Sf. Constantin nr.32, sector 1
010219 București, România

Punct de lucru
str. Academiei nr. 18 - 20, sector 1
010014 București, România

tel/fax: 021-3039226, 021-3077163

Doamna/Domnule Arhitect,

Consiliul Arhitectilor din Europa (ACE) informeaza, in Comunicatul de Presa de mai jos, ca 18 ianuarie 2016 este data-limita pana la care statele membre UE urmau sa transpuna, in legislatia nationala, prevederile Directivei 2005/36/CE privind recunoasterea calificarilor profesionale, revizuita in noiembrie 2013. Directiva modernizata reglementeaza libera circulatie a catorva profesii reglementate in spatiul UE, printre care si cea de arhitect. Cu aceasta ocazie, ACE:

- subliniaza necesitatea transpunerii corecte si unitare a Directivei, pentru a facilita libera circulatie a arhitectilor pentru identificarea unor noi oportunitati de piata, precum si cea a studentilor si tinerilor absolventi, pentru dobandirea experientei profesionale in toata Europa;
- precizeaza ca, desi Directiva modernizata prevede ca cel mai mic
numitor comun pentru pregatirea arhitectilor sa fie 5 ani de studii
academice, sau minimum 4 ani de studii academice completate cu un stagiu profesional supravegheat de minimum 2 ani, ACE va continua sa sustina un minimum de 5 ani de studii academice completate cu un stagiu profesional de minimum 2 ani ca cel mai mic numitor comun pentru recunoasterea automata a calificarilor intre statele membre UE;
- remarca esecul Comisiei Europene de a publica, dupa 2 ani, lista
corecta si actualizata a calificarilor recunoscute pentru accesul in
profesie, ceea ce pericliteaza semnificativ libera circulatie a
arhitectilor in Europa si-i afecteaza, in egala masura, pe
profesionisti, absolventi, studenti, angajatori si profesori si, in acest sens, ACE pledeaza pentru reluarea de urgenta a actualizarii obisnuite a listei calificarilor;
- saluta faptul ca 96% din cererile arhitectilor de inregistrare
transfrontaliera sunt rezolvate pe baza sistemului de recunoastere automata prevazut de Directiva si reliefeaza ca sunt putine posibilitati de imbunatatire a regimului mobilitatii arhitectilor in Europa.

Mai multe informatii puteti gasi in Comunicatul de Presa de mai jos.

Cu deosebita consideratie,

Mariana Ionescu

Consilier Relatii Internationale

Ordinul Arhitecților din România
str. Arthur Verona, Pictor nr.19
010312, București, România
tel/fax: 021 317 26 34, 0728 872 150
e-mail: //

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ACE Secretariat <>
Date: 2016-01-18 17:35 GMT+02:00
Subject: ACE Press Release - The Architects Council of Europe marks the
implementation deadline of the modernised Professional Qualifications


*The Architects Council of Europe marks the implementation deadline of the modernised Professional Qualifications Directive*

*In November 2013, the European Union adopted a revised version of the 2005 Professional Qualifications Directive (PQD), which governs the free
movement of several regulated professions across the EU, including
architects. While today marks the deadline for Member States to transpose the provisions of the modernised Directive, the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) reiterates its positions. *

From the beginning of the consultative and legislative procedures through to this day the Architects Council of Europe
(ACE) has sought to ensure that the interests of architecture, consumers, clients, quality and efficiency in all aspects of the built environment and the profession itself are taken into account by EU policy-makers. The ACE’s primary focus at this time is on supporting the appropriate and smooth transposition and implementation of the Directive to facilitate the mobility of architects to help them find new market opportunities and also facilitate the mobility of students and graduates in order to enable them to gain work experience throughout Europe.

According to the modernised Directive the minimum common denominator for
architectural training will now comprise either five years of university
level training or not less than four years of study supplemented by a
supervised professional traineeship of a minimum of two years. The ACE
continues to advocate a minimum of five years academic training
complemented by 2 years of practical professional experience as the minimum common denominator for automatic recognition between Member States. This standard better reflects the requirements of a significant majority of EU Member States.

Professional Practical Experience is critical to consumer protection and
quality in the built environment. It is the bridge between the achievement of the graduate standard and having the skills and expertise to apply that knowledge, skill and competence effectively. Professional Practical Experience equips the architectural graduate with the skills to function effectively in the complex and challenging practice environment dealing with contracts, regulations, finance, contractors, other professionals, site supervision, consumers and clients. These skills, which can only be delivered in a live practice environment, are essential. The importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is increasingly being recognised at EU level but cannot replace mandatory Professional Practical Experience prior to establishment as a professional.

While the ACE recognises the significant volume of work required of the
European Commission in bringing the modernisation of the Directive forward, the failure to publish an updated and accurate list of qualifications recognised for access to the architectural profession for over two years is a significant problem endangering the free mobility of architects in Europe and impacting professionals, graduates, students, employers, consumers and education providers. The return to regular accurate updating must be addressed without delay so that students and graduates can have confidence in their future prospects and have a clear picture of what is expected of them if they wish to work and provide services in the Single Market.

ACE welcomes the fact that 96% of cross-border registration requests from Architects are satisfied through the system of automatic recognition provided for by the Directive, and underlines that there is little room for improvement in the mobility of Architects across Europe.

The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) is the representative organisation for the architectural profession at European level: it aspires to speak with a single voice on its behalf in order to achieve its aims. Its growing membership currently consists of 46 Member Organisations, which are the regulatory and professional representative bodies in all European Union (EU) Member States, Accession Countries, Switzerland and Norway. Through them, the ACE represents the interests of over 545.000 architects from 33 countries in Europe.


*Architects' Council of Europe*
29 rue Paul Emile Janson
B-1050 Brussels <>
T: +32 2 543 11 40
F: +32 2 543 11 41
All rights reserved.

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