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18 decembrie 2015

Press Release - Architecture, the Climate of the Future

Stimați colegi,

Transmitem, spre informare, Comunicatul de Presă al Consiliului Arhitecților din Europa (ACE) privind Conferința Internațională pe tema ”Arhitectura, clima viitorului” care a avut loc pe 30 noiembrie 2015 la Paris.

Cu stimă,

18 decembrie 2015

arh. Cornelia Burcuș
Secretar Executiv

Filiala Teritorială București a Ordinului Arhitecților din România
str. Sf. Constantin nr.32, sector 1
010219 București, România

Punct de lucru
str. Academiei nr. 18 - 20, sector 1
010014 București, România

tel/fax: 021-3039226, 021-3077163

Va transmitem mai jos, spre informare, Comunicatul de presa al Consiliului Arhitectilor din Europa (ACE) privind Conferinta internationala pe tema Arhitectura, clima viitorului, organizata in colaborare de ACE, UIA, CNOA si CIAF, care a avut loc la Paris, pe 30 nov. 2015, ziua deschiderii Conferintei ONU privind Schimbarile Climatice (COP21).

Intr-un mesaj video, Dominique Ristori, Director General al Directiei Generale Energie al Comisiei Europene, a reamintit actiunile UE menite sa sprijine sectorul constructiilor in reducerea consumului energetic al cladirilor si a emisiilor de gaze de sera, subliniind nivelul ridicat de constientizare a arhitectilor in aceasta privinta, precum si necesitatea ca acestia sa contribuie la cresterea constientizarii publice, prin elaborarea de proiecte concrete de constructie si reabilitare.

In mesajul sau introductiv, Catherine Jacquot, Presedinta CNOA, a precizat ca reducerea emisiilor de gaze de sera si a consumului energetic vor determina o noua paradigma in stilul de viata, precum si in modul arhitectilor de proiectare si edificare a mediului construit, evidentiind responsabilitatea deosebita a acestora in modificarea acestei paradigme.

In cadrul mesei rotunde, arhitecti, ingineri si decidenti politici au facut un schimb de opinii pe tema modului de proiectare a unor constructii si orase reziliente si sustenabile.

Mai multe informatii gasiti in Comunicatul de presa al ACE de mai jos, precum si pe website-ul ACE (Programul conferintei, Manifestul pentru arhitectura responsabila, vizionarea conferintei, mesajele video ale Ministrului francez al Egalitatii Teritoriale si Locuintei si Directorului General al Directiei Generale Energie al Comisiei Europene, discursurile Presedintelui CNOA si Presedintelui ACE, precum si link-ul pentru semnarea Manifestului de pe site-ul CNOA).

Cu deosebita consideratie,

Mariana Ionescu

Consilier Relatii Internationale

Ordinul Arhitecților din România
str. Arthur Verona, Pictor nr.19
010312, București, România
tel/fax: 021 317 26 34, 0728 872 150
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ACE Secretariat <>
Date: 2015-12-09 18:50 GMT+02:00
Subject: Press Release - Architecture, the Climate of the Future


Round table “Architecture, the Climate of the Future”: architects,
scientists and policy-makers come together to discuss climate change

On the opening day of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) on 30
November 2015, the International Union of Architects (UIA), the Architects' Council of Europe (ACE), the National Council of the Order of French Architects (CNOA) and the International Council of French Architects (CIAF) co-organised an international conference on the theme "Architecture, the Climate of the Future". At a round table, architects, scientists and policy-makers discussed solutions that Architecture can bring to the challenges posed by climate change.

In a video message ,
Dominique RISTORI, Director General of DG Energy at the EU Commission,
recalled EU actions to help the construction sector to reduce energy
consumption in buildings and green house gas emissions. “Architecture is a central actor in the energy transition. I am pleased at the level of architects’ awareness of architects in this area. We need all your
expertise to contribute to raising public awareness, through the
preparation of concrete construction and renovation projects”, he said.

In her introductory speech ,
Catherine JACQUOT, CNOA President, said that in developed economies, “the reduction of green house gas emissions and reduced energy consumption will lead to a paradigm shift in our lifestyles and in the way we design and construct the built environment (…) Architects have a great responsibility in this major paradigm change”. *According to CNOA President, sustainable cities “are becoming denser and use strict planning rules for expansion, driven by imperatives of ecological preservation and energy savings".*

During the round table, architects, engineer and policy-makers exchanged
views on how to design more resilient and sustainable buildings and cities.
According to architect Kenneth YEANG, buildings and cities must as far as possible, be inspired by nature, notably so as to reduce waste. Frédéric BONNET, 2014 ‘Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme’, stressed the importance of democratic debates with citizens, in order to allow effective and innovative solutions to emerge. Thierry SALOMON, Vice-President of Negawatt, presented the three axes of the energy transition: energy efficiency, energy conservation, renewable energies. Francis CHOUAT, Mayor of Evry, stressed the importance of the social mix and the functional diversity of spaces, while MEP Karima DELLI focused on mobility issues in city planning.

In his conclusion ,
ACE President Luciano LAZZARI *welcomed the leadership shown by the EU in recent years to drive forward improvements in the European building stock.
He stressed that Europe must concentrate on the renovation of existing
buildings and the regeneration of its cities. He finished by saying* "I
would like to see a future where Architects would be universally recognised as a large part of the solution, a future where an architect could have the same credibility as a doctor at the scene of an accident and can confidently say: I am an architect, I can help". UIA President ESA MOHAMED finally called on architects, politicians and all stakeholders of the construction industry to work together to fight climate change.

Visit the ACE website

for the:

- Programme of the conference
- Manifesto for Responsible Architecture
- Replay of the conference
- Video message by Sylvia PINEL, French Minister of Territorial Equality and Housing
- Video message by Dominique RISTORI, Director General for Energy at the EU Commission
- Speech by Catherine JACQUOT, CNOA President
- Speech by Luciano LAZZARI, ACE President
- Link to sign the Manifesto on the CNOA website

The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) is the representative organisation for the architectural profession at European level: it aspires to speak with a single voice on its behalf in order to achieve its aims. Its membership currently consists of 43 Member Organisations, which are the regulatory and professional representative bodies in all EU Member States, Accession Countries, Switzerland and Norway. Through them, the ACE represents the interests of over 565.000 architects from 33 countries in Europe.


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