Prima paginăAnunțuriiulie 2011 › Congresul "Domuri din intreaga lume" din Florenta se amana pentru 19 - 23 martie 2012
18 iulie 2011

Congresul "Domuri din intreaga lume" din Florenta se amana pentru 19 - 23 martie 2012

Stimate colege,
Stimati colegi,

Transmitem alaturat e-mail-ul primit de O.A.R. National de la Secretariatul Congresului "Domuri din intreaga lume" care va avea loc in Florenta privitor la reprogramarea evenimentului pentru perioada 19 - 23 martie 2012.

Cu stima,

18 iulie 2011

Secretar Executiv
atrh. Cornelia Burcus

Filiala Teritoriala Bucuresti a Ordinului Arhitectilor din Romania
str. Academiei nr. 18 - 20, sector 1
010014, Bucuresti, Romania
tel/fax: 021-3039226, 021-3077163

Dear Sirs,

The organization of the International Congress "Domes in the World" is proceeding very well and, at the moment, the Steering and Scientific Committees, are waiting for receiving the final papers to begin the final evaluation and definition of the Scientific Program.
At the same time the Congress has received (and still continues to receive) important patronages from national and international institutions (as ICCROM, ICOMOS Italy, UNESCO, and so on) and the Organizing Secretariat is beginning important collaborations with local institutions (as Province of Florence, Municipality of Florence, and so on) in order to realize a great international and interdisciplinary congress in Florence.

As Organizing Secretariat, we received almost 350 abstracts from 38 countries of all 5 continents certainly covering all topics indicated by the announcement of the Conference.
Neverthless, this wealth of creative proposals created the need of a lot of additional operations to the Steering and Scientific Committees and a delay in completing the examination of the abstracts with several ccomplications for the Organizing Secretariat. Besides it ought to be remembered that the international situation, especially in the Near and Middle East, is rather complicate and that a few Colleagues expressed their perplexities in order to the real possibility of travelling and attending the Meeting an case these difficult conditions should endure.

These reasons brought the Steering Committee to postpone a few months the Congress to the date of 19-23 March, 2012.

We invite you to visit the official website of the congress, , where all news about the the congress, as the patronages received until today, have been published.

Looking forward to hear from you and to meet you at the Congress,
with kindest regards.

The Organizing Secretariat
International Congress "Domes in the World"

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