Prima paginăAnunțuriaprilie 2009 › Chestionar ACE privind impactului crizei economice asupra profesiei de arhitect
6 aprilie 2009

Chestionar ACE privind impactului crizei economice asupra profesiei de arhitect

Stimate colege,
Stimati colegi,

ACE doreste sa prezinte in Adunarea generala care va avea loc in 24 aprilie
2009 la Helsinki - un material de evaluare a impactului crizei economice
actuale asupra profesiei de arhitect.
In acest scop membrii O.A.R. sunt invitati sa raspunda la chestionarul ACE
care poate fi completat online la adresa pana in
data de 10 aprilie 2009.

Avand in vedere ca timpul necesar completarii formularului este doar de
cateva minute, va rugam sa dati curs acestei invitatii.

Cu stima,

6 aprilie 2009

Secretar Executiv
arh. Cornelia Burcus

Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania
str. Pictor Arthur Verona nr.19, sect.1
010312, Bucuresti, Romania
tel/fax: 021-317 26 34, 35, 0728 872 150
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dominique Depasse"
> To: "Dom Depasse"
> Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 4:25 PM
> Subject: Survey of the impact of the economic crisis on the architectural
> profession/Evaluation de l'impact de la crise économique sur la profession
> d'architecte
> For the attention of All Member Organisations and Correspondents of
> the ACE
> A l'attention de toutes les Organisations membres et Correspondants
> du CAE
> Dear Madam or Sir,
> The ACE is seeking to learn about the real impact of the current
> Economic Crisis on the architectural profession in Europe. It has
> therefore decided to launch a short questionnaire in order to get a
> snapshot of the situation across Europe. Due to lack of time, this
> short questionnaire is only available in English and French and is
> accessible at the following address:
> You are requested to inform your individual architect members about
> this survey and to ask them to visit the address above and to answer
> the questionnaire. It should only take a few minutes of their time.
> It is intended to present the results of the survey at the General
> Assembly in Helsinki on the 24th April and so you are asked to give a
> deadline of Friday 10th April to answer the survey.
> We thank you in advance for your help in this important snapshot survey.
> Sincerely,
> The Secretariat of the ACE