Prima paginăAnunțurimartie 2015 › Cea de a III-a ediție a concursului de idei ”Epicentrul Tallinnului”
18 martie 2015

Cea de a III-a ediție a concursului de idei ”Epicentrul Tallinnului”

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Transmitem anunțul Bienalei de Arhitectură Tallinn (TAB) 2015, privind organizarea celei de a III-a ediții a concursului de idei ”Epicentrul Tallinnului”.
Pentru mai multe informații vă invităm să accesați website-ul TAB din comunicatul alăturat.

Cu stimă,

18 martie 2015

arh. Cornelia Burcuș
Secretar Executiv

Filiala Teritorială București a Ordinului Arhitecților din România
str. Sf. Constantin nr.32, sector 1
010219 București, România

Punct de lucru
str. Academiei nr. 18 - 20, sector 1
010014 București, România

tel/fax: 021-3039226, 021-3077163

Bienala de Arhitectura Tallinn (TAB) 2015 anunta cea de-a treia editie a
Concursului de idei *Epicentrul Tallinnului*, menit sa identifice o solutie de proiectare pentru intersectiile viitorului, in care doar masinile fara sofer vor circula pe strazile oraselor. Concursul este organizat in cooperare de catre Centrul Estonian de Arhitectura si Primaria Tallinnului si se adreseaza arhitectilor, arhitectilor peisajeri, urbanistilor si studentilor din toate aceste domenii, care sunt chemati sa propuna idei si metode de imbunatatire a calitatii spatiului public intr-unul din locurile de atractie ale Tallinnului, intersectia Viru din centrul Tallinnului.

Concursul, intr-o singura etapa, va acorda 3 premii (4 000, 2 000 si 1 000 €) si 5 mentiuni de onoare. Propunerile trebuie transmise pana pe 29 mai 2015.

Mai multe informatii se pot obtine accesand website-ul TAB din comunicatul de mai jos.

Cu deosebita consideratie,

Mariana Ionescu

Consilier Relatii Internationale

*Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania*

*Strada Arthur Verona, Pictor nr. 19*

*sector 1, Bucuresti, 010312*

*Tel/fax 021 317 26 34, 0728 872 150*

TAB 2015 announces Vision CompetitionView this email in your browser
2015 announces Vision Competition “Epicentre of Tallinn”*

*Tallinn Architecture Biennale has announced the vision competition
“Epicentre of Tallinn” to find a design solution for intersections in the future, when only self-driving cars will drive on the city streets. The international one-stage architecture competition invites entries by the end of May.*

Tallinn’s central traffic junction, the Viru intersection, was chosen as
the test site. The vision competition seeks answers to the questions how
driverless cars will alter the cityscape and the public space, and what
will be the idea of the new public space.
The curator of the vision competition* Alvin Järving* says, that Viru
Square is especially suitable for the competition, being the epicentre of Tallinn where historic, current and future fields of action meet – the medieval Old Town, the old industrial quarter of Rotermann, the Soviet modernist hotel Viru and contemporary architecture: “Today the square is cut off from the city space, it is just traffic area – but what could be done with the Viru Square in the future when the cars will drive without a driver?” The technological change gives the junction a chance to become a city square once again. The TAB Vision Competition wants to rethink the Viru intersection both on the functional as well as symbolic level.
Architects should rearrange traffic and plan new functions but also create a symbolic focal point of the self-driving city and a real space.

TAB Tallinn vision competition is organised in cooperation by the Estonian Centre of Architecture and Tallinn City. It invites architects, landscape architects, urbanists and students from all those fields to propose ideas and methods about how to improve the quality of public space in one of the hotspots of Tallinn. TAB Tallinn vision competition is curated by Arhitekt Must

The jury, consisting of director and founder of MVRDV *Winy Maas*, Tallinn City Architect *Endrik Mänd* and *Villem Tomiste* from the Union of Estonian Architects will judge the entries to the competition. The works will be presented at the exhibition in the atrium of Viru Keskus shopping centre from 9th September to 4th October and as a digital mapping at Viru Square – the actual object and venue of the competition. The winning entries are awarded with monetary prizes.

The Competition Brief can be downloaded from the TAB website
Additional info:*Tallinn Architecture Biennale takes place from 9th September to 18th October 2015. It will look into the changes, challenges and opportunities that our cities and their inhabitants will be facing once the third industrial revolution is implemented in full scale and we all start using self-driving cars. What will this mean for architects, designers, urban planners? TAB will turn Tallinn into a test site for the cities of the future.**TAB 2015 Supporter:*

is happy to promote Estonian architecture. Since 2015 Silberauto is
supporting the development and promotion of Estonian architecture in
Estonia and internationally via the Estonian Centre of Architecture. The
company values high quality in its own products as well as in architecture, as promoted by TAB.
*TAB 2015 Supporter:*

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is supporting TAB in order to promote local architecture. The company is promoting daylight and good room climate and thus values new technologies and development of architecture. Velux sees TAB as a partner for promoting new technologies and innovative architecture.
*Estonia – lab for great ideas*
Estonia is often seen as the world’s leading innovator against the backdrop of untouched nature and rich medieval heritage. Your daily communication tool Skype was born here and due to its small size the country is an ideal testing ground for ground-breaking technologies, with e-residency being the latest one to capture world-wide interest. While adept and enthusiastic users of new technologies (like online voting, signing documents, paying taxes online etc), Estonians are nature-bound and enjoy a relaxed lifestyle – moors, beaches, lakes and forests are still the favourite hideaways for Estonian.

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